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Question about RAM timings

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  • Question about RAM timings

    Right now I've got a 2.6c P4 at 3.23 GHz. This was using a 1:1 cpu:ram ratio. Today, I tried getting it higher. I changed the ratio to 3:2 and setting the cpu clock to 265. This put the ram clock at 176.6. The cpu frequency at this setting was 3.45 GHz. My question is can I tighten up the timings if I change the ratio to 3:2? From what I've been reading in the forums that's the impression I get. From what I understand, tightening up the timings will make up for the lower RAM clock when using 3:2. My timings are at 3-4-4-7 right now.
    THanks, here are my system specs:

    ABIT IC7
    1 GB Corsair PC4000XMS
    2.6c P4
    Vantec Aeroflow HSF
    2 WD Raptor in RAID 0

  • #2
    That better be a system glitch...cause you just posted twice you newb
    Try 5:4
    CPU: Opteron 165 @ 311x9 - 2817.8 mhz - 1.47v
    Mobo: Abit KN8-SLI
    RAM: 2x512 Crucial Ballistic Tracers500 @ 202 mhz 2-2-2-5 T1
    GFX: Asus EAX1950pro @ 648/1408
    PSU: Thermaltake 500w
    SC: Audigy 2 zs
    LCD: 22' Samsung 225bw
    Speakers: Klipsch ProMedia 5.1 Ultra
    Mouse: Logitech G5


    • #3
      That was a glich, it was not my fault.
      I'll try that.


      • #4
        What about the timings though, can I tighten them since my mem frequency won't reach 250. Maybe to 2.5-3-3-7. I am not familiar with timings so any help would be appreciated. One thing I know though is that the timings are very sensitive, when I changed them to 2.5-4-4-7 with my 1:1 oc, my system wouldn't startup.


        • #5
          Experimentation is the key to this type system setting, but I can run OCZ memory at 200MHz (actual memory speed) and use 2-3-3-6 RAM timings. If your true memory speed is in the 200MHz range, I'd wouldn't be surprised at all to see your Corsaid modules handle the same timings.
          Old age and treachery will overcome youth and skill
          My Toys


          • #6
            Yeah I have PC4000 and I'm running it at 220 right now, 30 under its rated clock. So that's why I am thinking I can probably tighten them up like yours.


            • #7
              Originally posted by FroGGer
              Yeah I have PC4000 and I'm running it at 220 right now, 30 under its rated clock. So that's why I am thinking I can probably tighten them up like yours.
              Actually alot of times PC4000 and PC3700 won't run tight timings at all


              • #8
                True, but given that the system is running below maximum memory rated speed and also running the XMS memory, it is at least worth a shot. No guarantees, but then nothing ventured... nothing gained. :)
                Old age and treachery will overcome youth and skill
                My Toys


                • #9
                  I got the system running at 3.45 GHz with timings at 2-3-3-6 stable.
                  Thanks guys


                  • #10
                    Sweet! Glad it worked out for you. Now to find out what your maximum overclock is... and then maybe rethink your method of cooling to get even more... maybe phase change cooling for even greater speeds...

                    Can you see a pattern here? Welcome to the wonderful world of the Enthusiast. :rofl:
                    Old age and treachery will overcome youth and skill
                    My Toys

