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Memory timing

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  • Memory timing

    My sestem spec is-
    AthlonXP 2600+
    Abit AN7
    512 MB Kingston ram 333 mhz

    I heard that my memory timing would work in 2-2-2-6. But it does not work in my mobo. I tried different timings and the highest i got was 2-2-3-5. Is that good? I am new in oc'ing. Please help me. And my 2600+ got a cache memory fo 512kb. So is it a Barton or Throughbred?? How much would i get with the stock cooler??

  • #2
    Re: Memory timing

    You have a Barton core but as for your timings how did you hear that your memory is spose to support those timings. Do some testing with the tRAS set to between 7-13 (odd numbers only, 2-2-3-9) as most AthlonXP systems perform better in this range (for example my XP2600+ T'bred runs 2-2-2-11 for best performance) and maybe you'll also turn that other 3 into a 2. Using 5/6 tRAS settings are better suited for P4's.
    As for how far you'll get only you can really find that out though its probably safe to say that you could get it up to an XP3200+ in performance so long as you can keep temps down with that retail HSF and your case has good airflow.


    • #3
      Re: Memory timing

      If 2-2-3-5 works well with no stability issues, then it should be just fine. It is reasonably aggressive, but since all memory is not created equally, you just have to test different settings and go for what works best.

      To see what type processor you have, type in the coding info from the processor right here and it will tell you all kinds of information about your toy.

      I'm not sure what you're asking about the stock cooler. If you're asking about how high you can overclock, the answer is it depends on your entire system. Any part can stop your overclocking progress, so you'll just need to experiment. If this was not the gist of your question, let me know and I'll try to point you in the right direction.
      Last edited by amd_man2005; 08-02-2004, 07:34 PM.
      Old age and treachery will overcome youth and skill
      My Toys


      • #4
        Re: Memory timing

        Originally posted by Darthtanion
        If 2-2-3-5 works well with no stability issues, then it should be just fine. It is reasonably aggressive, but since all memory is not created equally, you just have to test different settings and go for what works best.
        2-2-3-5 is not proper tRAS and will reduce performance slightly, if anything. Having lower tRAS doesn't necessarily mean better performance.
        Go with Wayout's suggestion and keep tRAS as 2+tRCD+CAS or higher (7+). See if 2-2-2-6 is stable as well.

        You will likely be able to get to 3200 speeds with that. Replacing the stock cooler and getting PC3200+ RAM would allow for even more overclocking.


        • #5
          Re: Memory timing

          I dont understand. Just answer this- is lower timing better or not?
          I mean which is better between 5 and 7 (tRAS)?


          • #6
            Re: Memory timing

            Either have it as 7 or switch the timings to 2-2-2-6.

            Read this article and this article if you have any more issues with RAM timings.

