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Any Ideas???

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  • Any Ideas???

    Can you tell me if this is good for a P4 2.4Ghz and an ASUS P4P8x MBoard also can you help me with the AI Clock part? Thanks LZepp!
    if i go back to AI an set to OC 15% i git a cpu of 2.65G when i went back an set to manual i only get 2.41.Can you tell me why that is? here is what i set in Manual CPU External Frequ=100 (cant change this)
    DRamm Frequ=auto
    AGP?PCI frequ=66.66/33.33
    CPU core Volt=1.6250
    DDR Ref Volt=2.850
    AGP VDDQ=1.50
    DRam Refresh=7.8sec
    Graffic App size=128mb
    MPS Revision=1.4
    any thing else i need to do to get better??
    Thanks LZepp
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  • #2
    Re: Any Ideas???

    After getting hold of a manual for that mainboard it seems that the only overclocking with that mainboard can only be done with the AI Overclock Tuner percentage settings (seems that ASUS didn't want to let people manually muck about with the settings on that model).


    • #3
      Re: Any Ideas???

      Yea i kinda got that impression LOL i see where i can use AI an get to around 3.0 maybe slow Ram dwn to gain a lil clarity maybe. thanks for all your help WayOut real informative here i know where to come have a great weekend God Bless!!! LZepp!!


      • #4
        Re: Any Ideas???

        When you're at the CPU External Frequency setting have you used the "+" and "-" keys to change that value?


        • #5
          Re: Any Ideas???

          No Sir what do they do?? i use the lft/rt/up/dwn arrows it gives a drop dwn with certain V settings


          • #6
            Re: Any Ideas???

            Ok i see thats like a Hot Key i also found that using the + - keys i can change the CPU External Frequency.Can you tell me what a good safe setting is?? thanks LZepp!! see above for current settings


            • #7
              Re: Any Ideas???

              Just raise the FSB 5MHz at a time testing with Prime95, 3DMark, Sandra burn in, etc, for stability and when instability starts just increase the core voltage to 1.65v then try again but do what your temps.


              • #8
                Re: Any Ideas???

                well LOL now u lost me im new to OCn an the terminology has me confused.Could you put that in Laemins terms please? Thanks LZepp!!


                • #9
                  Re: Any Ideas???

                  Just change the CPU External Frequency to 105/test/110/test/115/test/etc...

                  test = download 3DMark03 and run the default test after changing the CPU External Frequency each time

                  now if you get any problems with with running the test then change the CPU core Volt to 1.650v.


                  • #10
                    Re: Any Ideas???

                    Thanks WayOut man sure apreciate all your Patience and help Realy Glad i found you guys Hey are there any Books that u recomend that will help me with Terms and meanings of this stuff that you would recomend?? Thanks again an God Bless!! LZepp!!


                    • #11
                      Re: Any Ideas???

                      Ok im gittin an average score of 1208 to 1214 could you tell me what the DRamm/DDR Ref/AGPVDDQ could be?? or would that help up results?? it seems that the higher i set FSB the lower score untill i went to 120.first test run was a score of 1506 wit FSB at 102 then 1214 wit FSB1208 then 1215 wit score of 1210


                      • #12
                        Re: Any Ideas???

                        There maybe books around but I wouldn't know of them though this BIOS Optimization Guide may be of help to you explaining BIOS terms and their functions.


                        • #13
                          Re: Any Ideas???

                          Thanks will read it hey heres another question i run test an upped FSB to 145 wich gave em a test score of 1375 so im headed right way i think realy helped my game run better i noticed Temps are still in the 32 to 41c range so thats good.My MBoard has a 500/440 FSB what would be the setting to git to 500? i noticed i can go from 100 to 400 what would u recomend and what would i expect to see if i go to high?? Thanks again WayOut Hope to return favor one day LZepp!!

