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Need Help OC'n AMD 64 3000+

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  • Need Help OC'n AMD 64 3000+

    Hi Ive just learned about overclocking and so far this is where im at with the processor
    HTT 220.0MHz
    Multiplier x 10
    core speed is at 2.20 GHz
    CPU Voltage 1.55V
    CPU temp while running programs 40 C
    MB temp while running programs 39C
    ive been running my system at these settings for a few hours and havent run into any problems.
    My system is air cooled,I wanted to know at what temperature would i cause damage to my computer, also wanted to know at what HHT should i stop at ?

    Sorry 1 more question I also read some info on OC'n memory, could someone direct me to a guide for my system and ram? Thanks very much for the help and suggestions.
    Last edited by socom2playa; 02-09-2005, 04:55 AM.

  • #2
    Re: Need Help OC'n AMD 64 3000+

    Your overall HTT is normally 800mhz, (200x4) so it shouldnt go above that, so before raising HTT further, drop the LDT (not cpu) multiplier to 3. Max temps around 55-60C for an athlon 64, stay below that. Because you're running a newcastle 3000+, you'll have difficulty getting above 2.4ghz on air, but do test it out, theres always the CMOS reset jumper (or switch). If you're running OCZ plat. rev2 then you should have no problem leaving the ram settings as they are (1:1 with cpu\htt).


    • #3
      Re: Need Help OC'n AMD 64 3000+

      Im Actually using the clawhammer, im not sure if its the same as the newcastle.should i still follow these directions with the clawhammer ?


      • #4
        Re: Need Help OC'n AMD 64 3000+

        The clawhammer cores are a little harder to overclock than the Newecastle's but they arent as bad as some say, I dont think you should shoot for more than 230HTT, And the HT multi can go as far as 1000Mhz before is freezes so once and IF you hit 250 HTT take the HT multi down to 3x
        Mine is running at 230HTT with 4x Ht multi works just dandy, though Im not sure if your motherboard can handle as this was the Gigabytes flagship mobo for s754.


        • #5
          Re: Need Help OC'n AMD 64 3000+

          I also have AMD Athlon 64 Clawhammer processor but mines a 3200+. My pc on idle is at 44C and at load 45-50C. On air you wont be getting too far in terms of OCing. Also Clawhammers arent the best A64 overlockers, winchesters and newcastles OC better than Clawhammers. I OCed mine to 2.15ghz (215HTT) and the temp still stays at 44C and I am deciding if I should try 220HTT. What was the original FSB (HTT) of your processor?
          Last edited by Fenix_2; 02-09-2005, 07:24 PM.


          • #6
            Re: Need Help OC'n AMD 64 3000+

            The newer processors are all 200HTT(200FSB in the case of I*t*l's stuff)

            And Winchesters are only on the s939 motherboards.


            • #7
              Re: Need Help OC'n AMD 64 3000+

              There will be 90nm Semprons for 754, so they might be worth purchasing for a cheap OC'ing system


              • #8
                Re: Need Help OC'n AMD 64 3000+

                Originally posted by Fenix_2
                I also have AMD Athlon 64 Clawhammer processor but mines a 3200+. My pc on idle is at 44C and at load 45-50C. On air you wont be getting too far in terms of OCing. Also Clawhammers arent the best A64 overlockers, winchesters and newcastles OC better than Clawhammers. I OCed mine to 2.15ghz (215HTT) and the temp still stays at 44C and I am deciding if I should try 220HTT. What was the original FSB (HTT) of your processor?
                it looks like were in the same boat, when i oc over 200 HTT my temp goes in the area of 43C - 47C,I cant handle watching the temp that high, also my system is air cooled, i guess i just have to settle for 2.00 GHz...


                • #9
                  Re: Need Help OC'n AMD 64 3000+

                  The Claws arent that bad, but to be honest sometimes the 1mb cache makes squat all difference, and you're better off getting a winchester (or 90nm sempron for socket 939 when theyre available).


                  • #10
                    Re: Need Help OC'n AMD 64 3000+

                    Well, what is a multiplier?


                    • #11
                      Re: Need Help OC'n AMD 64 3000+

                      Multiplier is what determines the cpu speed (along with HTT\FSB), if you have a multiplier of 8 and your FSB\HTT is 200, cpu speed = 200x8 = 1600mhz

