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Can I overclock cpu with SPEEDFAN ?

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  • Can I overclock cpu with SPEEDFAN ?

    OK , I want to know , can I overclock my cpu using SPEEDFAN ???
    I have an Emachine H3241 with and AMD athlon xp 2300+ CPU on an ECS
    L7VMM2 mobo model KM266-8235, 512 DDR400 and a Geforce FX5200.
    ( I know , I know I didn't know anything about pc's when i bought it )
    But ...
    CPU-Z says that my core speed was 1994.9mhz. FSB 133 ,bus speed 266
    then I got speedfan and on the clock settings i was able to set my mobo to
    ECS and clock generator to Phaselink 204-03 and at the bottom i set the cpu to 140 and pci to 35 mhz. and set clock. ok...
    now CPU-Z and all other programs i use say that my clock speed is now 2100mhz. FSB 140 , bus speed 280 mhz. and a multiplier of 15 , but it resets itself when i restart.
    I know its not much but it had made a noticeable difference to my games and how they run and load up.
    Is there any other software that i can use to OC it more ?
    And is there any SAFE way to unlock my cpu ?my bios is Pheonix ver. 6.00 PG

  • #2
    Re: Can I overclock cpu with SPEEDFAN ?

    Loks like you managed to overclock it with speedfan unless I read it wrong. It will reset after every restart because it only loads the OC when you get into windows. That overclock is pretty good for a machine that is not designed to be overcloced at all, My friend has that exact system(video is diffrent) but we could only pull off 2050MHz so your lucky.

    With this particular chip there is no way to SAFELY unlock the chip, even if it was the right revision(which is unlikely) you would need to do some brigde cuting and conecting in order to unlock it, dont even try to physicaly mod the chip. You could however try to go higher on your overclock using


    • #3
      Re: Can I overclock cpu with SPEEDFAN ?

      Yeh , well I hope it's correct, I mean I think that CPU-Z is accurate right ?I also have CBID ,RMclock, MBM5 and cpuinfo and they all say the same thing
      The clock speed right now acording to CBId ,is 2100.40 MHz. host bus clock
      140.03 MHz. and FSB speed 280.05 MHz. and a P-rating of 2551+ ( does this
      mean equilevent to a pentium 2.5G ? )
      And why on CBId is the FSB the higher # while on cpuz its the lower # ? which is which?
      And no your right " I don't want to physicaly mod the chip " LOL is the only one me have
      Also (on cpuz) why does the clock speed go up and down a little ?As does the voltage VERY LITTLE ,but i'm not able to adjust that .

