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CPU usage INSANE!!!

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  • CPU usage INSANE!!!

    Hey everyone, I have an X48T-DQ6 mobo, Q9650(oc'd to 3.8 ghz), 1 gig pqi ddr3 1333, evga 9600 gt, and a 250 gig 32 mb cache seagate. Below I have my settings, best that I can remember...

    gpu freq: Auto
    FSB: 428
    Multiplier: 9x
    ???: 2.66d (forget what this setting was called, lniked FSB w/ memory i think)
    ram settings all on auto
    VCore: 1.2875

    *** Also, what's the diff between vcore and chip frequency?
    everything else is either normal or auto, I'll post up the exact settings after if some1 wants them to help me out.

    My problem is that I used Prime95 for an hour and then used OCCT for 1.5 hours w/ no errors according to them, however, w/ 22 proccesses running and a fresh install of Win XP Pro (32 bit), I can NOT get my cpu usage to get under 20%!!! Now hear me out really quick, my 1.6 GHZ LAPTOP w/ tons of apps's cpu usage is like 3-5%!!! How can a jammed pack slow laptop be doing better than a quad core desktop w/ less apps runnning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I'm concerned with this because my idle temp for my cpu is around 46 degrees, so who knows what full load is!!! Even if I'm overeacting, it's important to me because this is my first ever overclock.

    P.S. I also play games a lot so I'm prety sure it's stable... espec. after those 2 tests and running 3dmark06(11,830) successfully..... I hate being a n00000b. :(

  • #2
    Re: CPU usage INSANE!!!

    Your problem is probably due to the low amount of system ram. XP really prefers 2GB of ram and what is possibly happening is that your system is relying on your swap file to make up the difference. This is of course a guess, but that is where I would look first.
    GIgabyte GA-990FXA-UD3
    AMD FX8120 @ 4GHz
    Patriot 1866MHz EL series 2X4GB DDR3
    Powercolour HD 6970 2GB w/XFX 8800GT 512MB Hybrid PhysX
    Creative X-FI titanium HD w/Technics class A 300W amp and tower speakers
    PC P&C 500W PSU
    2TB Seagate
    Coolermaster 690II w/Corsair H100 tucked under the hood


    • #3
      Re: CPU usage INSANE!!!

      Try running Process Explorer from Sysinternals to eliminate rogue processes or at least see what is actually using your cpu.

      I had an Asus board (P5E3 vanilla) that would do the same thing if you disabled the RAID controller, the resulting hardware interrupts would result in 20 - 40% usage of the cpu.
      E8600@ 4.25GHz~Thermalright Ultra 120 eXtreme~Foxconn Blackops~4GB Kingston HyperX DDR3 1625 at 1700MHz (8-8-8-24-2N) 1.916v~Asus 9800GTX~18x Pioneer 212 DL SATA DVD-RW~320GB WD SATAII~Antec True Power Trio 650W~Thermaltake Soprano~Vista Ultimate x64 SP2/Win7 RC1


      • #4
        Re: CPU usage INSANE!!!

        This sounds similar to a problem I was having with a Gigabyte x48 ds4 board.

        I had 20% to 30% load on the CPU and about a 25% load on the GPU when overclocked.

        The only way I ever got the load off the CPU and GPU was to make sure the PCI-E Frequency was set to auto and not to 100, but that also means you can't overclock the board, or it was not recommended.

        There is a thread I started here about it, I still can't overclock the board because of this.

        Hope this helps.

