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Gigabyte X58A-UD7 Gulftown smackdown at 6GHz looking pretty easy

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  • Gigabyte X58A-UD7 Gulftown smackdown at 6GHz looking pretty easy

    Hi guys

    It's been a long time since i benched. Fishing has been taking up my time on the weekends and now that summer is over it's back on woooohoooo . It's good to have something new to play with after return and Gulftown and this Gigabyte X58A-UD7 are certainly a hell of a lot of fun. No weird Bloomfield type behaviour, just smooth as butter. I dont know if this is because of Gulftown or the board but i like it

    I've tested 3 Gulftown chips in the last few days and found that a couple of them have the same OC and third was a bit was good to get the LN2 monkey off my back after all this time heh

    check this out....still reasonably low volts but clocks look pretty good to me

    Gigabyte X58A-UD7 putting the smack down on Gulftown

    I don't want to kill this chip so still haven't pushed north of 1.9vcore or 1.6vtt for some serious clocks.......i'll see how my cards fair on LN2 first and then start to crank some numbers out but you can see CPU tests past 6Ghz looking pretty easy ... loving Gulftown they scale with volts and temps properly like the old P4s :D

    Hardware setup:
    • Gigabyte X58A-UD7 (F6x bios) with Gulftown mod
    • Intel Core i7 980X Gulftown (running at -150C)
    • F1EE Pot
    • Corsair 6GB of GTX2 Dominator goodness
    • Seagate 2TB SATA3 ... first sata3 drive released :cool:
    • Gigabyte 5870 SOC card
    • Antec 1200 Quattro OC Edition PSU
    • Windows 7

    ignore efficiency it was just early clock testing
    GIGABYTE Australia

  • #2
    Re: Gigabyte X58A-UD7 Gulftown smackdown at 6GHz looking pretty easy

    btw here are a few photos of the setup. sorry only had a blackberry handy so not the greatest shots heh

    I've changed the way i insulate and no longer fill eraser in the socket ..... basically this is as much eraser as i use and then i cut out some kitchen towels to fit as a layer between eraser and a foam bracket and then the pot sits on top...........this will help GOOC contestants change CPUs very quickly if need arises just ask for some boiling water, shut the system off pour it in the pot, now you can yank the pot off the CPU and you have access to defrosted chip ready to change to next one

    if you keep the sessions short > say 4-5 hours and do what i do above with boiling water and then just use hair drier to warm up the area a little you will have a healthy board that will last a long time

    i also always plastic spray the board as insurance >> ALWAYS

    View of RAM slots packed with vaseline
    that VR is a 20K dialed down to 8k for gulf mod...might be a touch lower cant recall but just about 8k

    Seagate's SATA3 drive :)

    Setup in action during first day test :)

    GIGABYTE Australia


    • #3
      Re: Gigabyte X58A-UD7 Gulftown smackdown at 6GHz looking pretty easy

      Those are some very nice clocks, amazing scores as well!

      Very nice tip with the boiling water. Keep at it, looks like the UD7 is happy where you are taking her with those Gulftowns, can't wait to try one myself.

      So no insulation inside the very inner square of the socket eh? Do you find after long sessions this is still OK?


      • #4
        Re: Gigabyte X58A-UD7 Gulftown smackdown at 6GHz looking pretty easy

        hi mate

        yes it will be fine. I guess the point i am trying to make is to pull it apart as soon as you are done and also DONT warm the pot the old fashioned way but rather unplug at -140C and use boiling water trick instead

        the chip stays frozen solid through the session so thats not drama

        GIGABYTE Australia


        • #5
          Re: Gigabyte X58A-UD7 Gulftown smackdown at 6GHz looking pretty easy

          Nice to know, thanks for the tip! I will be making a Dice run soon myself, but no luck in finding a Gulftown yet though.

          Hope to have a few Ln2 sessions in a few months as well, hopefully by then I will have found a 980x or Xeon to play with.

          So the NB is keeping up with those CPU's at normal temps? I mean no Ln2/Dice anyway, I plan to keep it under water when I do some runs.


          • #6
            Re: Gigabyte X58A-UD7 Gulftown smackdown at 6GHz looking pretty easy

            to be honest this gen i didnt even try on anything other than LN2 so i couldnt tell ya hahah sorry
            GIGABYTE Australia


            • #7
              Re: Gigabyte X58A-UD7 Gulftown smackdown at 6GHz looking pretty easy

              HAHA, wish I could same the same. Time never permits me to be so lucky though.

              I was asking about the north biridge though, I see you have the stock cooler on. Is that how you ran all your tests, stock air heat pipe and no water on the north bridge?


              • #8
                Re: Gigabyte X58A-UD7 Gulftown smackdown at 6GHz looking pretty easy

                No need mate it doesnt do anything major any more as NB itself is on the CPU but some PCIe lanes management etc is still on extrenal chip so if you bench with 4xGPUs you may want to cool it otherwise i dont think it will make a difference....Giga will run cool anyways
                GIGABYTE Australia


                • #9
                  Re: Gigabyte X58A-UD7 Gulftown smackdown at 6GHz looking pretty easy

                  Ya I thought of that, but it still runs so hot sometimes. I guess I'm just still used to having to deal with it from previous generations.

                  Well keep up the killer clocks! Look forward to some more results.


                  • #10
                    Re: Gigabyte X58A-UD7 Gulftown smackdown at 6GHz looking pretty easy

                    Pr0n shots inside beware

                    Gigabye 5870SOC gets naked :D

                    MSI Lightning 5870 gets its gear off next :D
                    GIGABYTE Australia


                    • #11
                      Re: Gigabyte X58A-UD7 Gulftown smackdown at 6GHz looking pretty easy

                      OK so here we go i did the first very quick GPU test due to some early cold issues

                      first of all.... >> Gigabyte 5870SOC card has no cold bug woohoo so you can run it at full blast and not think about it however memory chips on any GFX cards will eventually get a bit too cold so that is one thing that needs to be managed. The way i will fix that is same as i did on GTX275 lightning card by using Inox grease which will not freeze or melt any any temp lol....youngpro's tip that one from last year's testing we did for GPU competitions...:thumbup:

                      in the first few tests i went up to 1350/1300 (escaped half way through) but until i get this grease sorted right i wont know if i will be able to get more or not

                      i used 1.45v or so.......card didnt like 1.47 so im guessing its hitting some ocp or whatever i dont know....blank screen when it hits 3d

                      here is a canyon in 06 (heavy GPU test) at 1300/1300 which looks fine at 157FPS so it wasnt throttling

                      Here are a few photos from the bench session

                      GIGABYTE Australia


                      • #12
                        Re: Gigabyte X58A-UD7 Gulftown smackdown at 6GHz looking pretty easy

                        Damn, looks cold over there!!

                        Is Gigabyte releasing a voltage tweak software with this card, or does others work like the MSI one? Or is your voltage changes hard mods only?


                        • #13
                          Re: Gigabyte X58A-UD7 Gulftown smackdown at 6GHz looking pretty easy

                          i am using software but i dont know what they will release..........its very easy to set 1.6 to the card and go poof heheheh
                          GIGABYTE Australia


                          • #14
                            Re: Gigabyte X58A-UD7 Gulftown smackdown at 6GHz looking pretty easy

                            HAHA, I hear that!

                            Tell them they should at least release some form of it, to keep up with the competition.

