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P55-UD5 Overlock Problem - Related to Bios Revisions

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  • P55-UD5 Overlock Problem - Related to Bios Revisions

    Hey Guys,

    OK so here's the story, I was running the F4 bios revision on me P55-UD5 stable at 4200MHZ and 1200MHZ (VCore 1.375, DRAM voltage 1.640), However I wanted to reach 1600MHZ which shouldn't have been a problem as my ram is 1600MHZ, however this was not stable at all. So instead of playing about with voltages I thought it would be worthwhile to finally update my bios to F10. I replicated all my previos settings and it crashed on LinX (and Prime) within seconds, believed to be when RAM reached >98% (Both 1200MHZ and 1600MHZ). I've tried upping the voltages and lowering the overclock but made no difference. It was perfectly stable all at stock but not overclocked. I also tried F7 bios revision and the same problem. I believe the problem may be related to the NB running at around 3600MHZ as there is a 200BCLK, and I have tried upping the QPI/VVT voltage to compensate but no, still fails.

    I would try going back to revision F4 to either show that that bios had something enabled / disabled which made my Overclock stable, or possible highlight something that I have missed out adjusting on the later revisions but I can't find this revision anywhere.

    So what I'm asking is either if anyone is aware of a location to download F4, or any other ideas / solutions to this problem.

    I would greatly appreciate any help on this, thanks. (I'll be happy to provide any other information required but not sure exactly what people would require).

  • #2
    Re: P55-UD5 Overlock Problem - Related to Bios Revisions


    • #3
      Re: P55-UD5 Overlock Problem - Related to Bios Revisions

      Thanks mate, much appreciated, I'll report back in the next couple of days if it proved anything :)

