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Turbo Button

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  • Turbo Button

    Working with some old AT's at work today and i came to the conclusion:
    I say bring back the turbo button!
    with the amount of people overclocking these days you could program the turbo button to quick switch between 2 different FSB's.

  • #2
    Neat idea, but I doubt you could do that while you were running. I am sure that would bolix up everything already in the ram, and Windows for one, would have a fit. Maybe a software supported option to reboot to an alternate bios configuration?


    • #3
      Cool idea...but like jack would go---->
      - Damien


      • #4
        Bah a small price :p

        Well even if it did reboot, it would still be cool :thumb:

        Should be submitterd to a MoBo manafactuer, any one here manafacuter MoBo's???


        • #5
          I once had a small program that came with an asus mobo that let me change the cpu speed from windows desktop and apply it without reboot.


          • #6
            Now I get your idea, but wasn't the idea of a "Turbo" button to actually allow the computer to be slowed down to play games designed for older comps?

            Kinda silly to call it a "turbo" button eh?
            Chris "Raven"
            News Crew - TweakTown
            <font size=1>
            <font color=green>Main Beast:</font>
            - Athlon XP 1800+@1701MHz | EPoX 8KHA+ | Corsair 512MB XMS3200C2 | GeForce3 Ti200
            - 2x80GB WD 7200RPM | 40x12x48 Sony CDRW | Pioneer 16X DVD
            - Swiftech MCX462+ / Tt Smart Case Fan 2 | Antec 1030SX case w/ 431W Enermax PSU
            // -->
            "Look at life like your morning cup of coffee. You might have one every day, yet you still enjoy it."

            How to ask a good question


            • #7
              SoftFSB can be used to change the FSB while running on some motherboards.
              SileNceR, Messenger of the Dark and the Night. To post quality, or not to post at all, THAT is the Question - Never again ask what can my post count do for me besides increasing my ego, but instead ask what can I do to help someone else!
              Overclockers Melbourne (


              • #8
                Easytune4 changes the FSB while windows is running :?:


                • #9
                  So long as have a Gigabyte board then that will work. ;)


                  • #10
                    But you want the button there!
                    It's not the same if you don't have the little (or big in some cases) turbo button that trigers a little display showing the alterd speed.
                    Someone could combine an LCD display with a button or two and have/make the right software for it, and BANG moden day turbo button! monitor the temps and all.
                    Too bad i'm to lazy to acctually carry through with the idea


                    • #11
                      I've had a lot of fun with those digital displays on cases with the turbo buttons. One Celeron 333 that left here dislayed it's speed normally but when ya hit the turbo button the display changed to 666, or there is the two digit favourite of dislayin' HI normally but 69 when the button is hit. :D


                      • #12
                        Ahh... the pros of old computers :thumb:


                        • #13

                          I still have a whole stack of these from different cases for rigs that I've built.


                          • #14
                            Yes those do come in handy but finding out by trail and error can reveal some interesting results occassionally. ;)


                            • #15
                              What the heck is that ...a map to a lost treasure???
                              - Damien

