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celeron 2ghz at 3ghz!!!!!!!......but what mobo to use?

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  • celeron 2ghz at 3ghz!!!!!!!......but what mobo to use?

    i went to and saw an article that showed you can reach 3ghz on a celeron 2ghz. they used an MSI645-E mobo to oc it, but im sure theres something better to use. got any ideas of what i could use with a celeron 2ghz?preferrably one that could easily increase the voltage and fsb, maybe even support rdram(is that possible?). Anyways, i thought some people might find this as a good alternative to dishing out $200+ for a p4.

  • #2
    go for the p4 northwood, celeron is a waste of money


    • #3
      ok,try going to and check out the article, its pretty recent. it benchmarked better than a 2.66 p4 and it costs about 100$. i think thats really appealing, dont u?


      • #4
        You should also consider that the new and fastest celeron only uses 128 kb of cache memory whitch i think is a weakness.
        High mhz frequency is not all...

        But i agree, the price is damn good... :thumb:


        • #5
          the guy who did the article benchmarked it faster than a p4 2.66 ghz


          • #6
            uhhh, a celery @ 3ghz can't beat a 1.6ghz p4 running quake3...aiya


            • #7
              Hehe i dunno about that but my old & loved celeron 1300 :cry: performed very good i must say. Fsb at 100 mhz and the system not oc at all i breaked the 8k quite easy with my gf4.


              • #8
                im planning on buying the celeron 2ghz cuz i cant afford to pay $500 to buy a p4 2.8ghz but what mobo should i use?


                • #9
                  dude, go buy a 1.6a northwood or somethin..and o/c


                  • #10
                    Celerons are very nice proc's but you are better of with a P4. Like aznx said get the 1.6ghz and OC it. You would be suprised how much they will OC. And remember benchmarks are only numbers. They cant show how well it will do when running multiple programs. Playing games etc...


                    • #11
                      I agree on buying a P4. With only 128 cache, playing any game with video settings on high will not come close to a P4. There would be a noticeable difference when multitaskiing also. I understand that price is a big deal for you right now, but remember that spending $100 on a Celeron and overclocking it to hell will only make you go out and buy a P4 when you fry it. OC'ing a full 1000Mhz will shorten the life of a CPU greatly, especially with a Celeron. Right now has a P4 2.4 Northwood for around $185. It's definately worth re-thinking this Celeron thing. One more thing, the reason that you see these articles about these huge OC'ing systems is because the guys doing it usually work for a big company and they do not have to pay for anything. The average home OC'er does not have the money to waste on OC'ing that much. Do yourself a favor and buy a P4 and save time, money, and hassle.

