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Overclocking ?

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  • Overclocking ?

    Ok this is my first ever attempt at overclocking.
    My system:
    Athlon 1333 (133)
    Abit KT7A V1.3
    512mb Cheap PC 133 Sdram
    Radeon 64Mb DDR TIVO
    Soundblaster 5.1 live
    Lian Li Pc 60 case
    Globwin Cak 88 HSF
    300W PSU

    So far I have managed 1466mhz by changing the multiplier to 11 (won't go any higher(won't post))
    Or 1473mhz multiplyier @9.5 fsb @155mhz pci @38mhz.

    First off which is better, secondly any tips to further increase this.

    Ps I am using award bios and I have the latest version for my board

  • #2
    Ok the second will give the better performance as the mobo is doin' some of the work as well as the CPU but your biggest hurdles will be your memory and HSF. Replace both with better quality parts and your overclockin' will go much better. This overclocking guide is for your setup though there is a more updated version here. But if you can dice the mobo and mem for a KT333 mobo and DDR mem that alone will give you greater benefits than overclocking that setup. :devil win


    • #3
      Why replace my hsf its running at a cool 39c overclocked with increased voltage, normally runs around 36c


      • #4
        Ok if it's doin' that well then leave it. :)


        • #5
          My cpu temps seem to be fine before overclocking just running win2k was a constant 40c. After, it ran happily at around 43/44c this included upping the voltage to 1.85. I did manage to get the clock speed to almost 1.6 but it kept crashing(this was through fsb overclocking and changing the multiplier to 9.5). I couldn't get it to post over 11x, and if I altered the fsb when it was at 10x it would also not post, any more ideas would be greatful, I'm sure I could get more out of this system.

          Ps I don't want to upgrade anything that is why I have started overclocking.


          • #6
            About the only other thing I can think of is can you slow the memory timings down any further? :?:

