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the Intel 845PE chipset & overclocking!

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  • the Intel 845PE chipset & overclocking!

    Hi there,
    Any body have I845PE motherboards with DDR-333 or DDR-400 memory out there? Any is overclocking? There are number of motherboard reviewed earlier this month which is based on the Intel 845PE chipset. Simply due to the fact that this chipset is the new wave for the new Hyper-Threading Pentium 4 processors.

  • #2
    I have the ASUS P4PE. The specs are in my sig below. I normally do not run it OC'd, but with all new toys, I must always see what it is capable of. I was able to get the FSB up to 162Mhz and RAM at 350Mhz and it was very stable. I have decided not to run this setup OC'd because as my benchmark shows, I really do not need to. I can run all my games at 1280x1024x32 with all video settings at their highest. I am so far extremely happy with the ASUS board. I never even had any problems with my RAM, video card, no bios problems, in fact I put it all together and it booted right up. Then all I did was restart and change a few things in the bios. As always, ASUS boards with Intel chipsets are awesome.


    • #3
      Very true, fast and rock stable...

      : peace2:

