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overclocking an Athlon XP2000+

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  • overclocking an Athlon XP2000+

    i recently received and helped build my newest pc... my first time doing so... so i dont have a whole lot of experience with these things. I found an article (also recently) by MaximumPC in their PC HOW-TO Guide about overclocking Athlon Xp's. The article talks about overclocking the FSB of a 1.67 XP2000+ with an Asus A7V333 motherboard to 1.73 clock speeds... without a fan. They boosted the CPU/PCI Frequency from 33MHz to 35. Now according to them their mobo provided a stable platform for the task but "most any motherboard will do." Also "Though our rig used DDR333 SDRAM, it's unlikely that 266MHz memory would have had any trouble running at 276MHz."...
    What im wondering is what you folks think about doing this and about the long term effects if any?

    Currently i'm running an AthlonXP 2000+ with an Asus A7V266-C mobo and 512mb DDR-SDRAM (DIMM Synchronous DRAM 512mb/72... unsure of what that means exactly). I followed the overclocking procedures as explained and am now running at 1.73 clock speeds as assessed by SiSoftare. I run this computer pretty much constantly too and i just have the normal case fans... Will i be ok? Or should i start buying up more fans?
    ok thats all

  • #2
    check your CPU temp - either through your bios or with a Utility like motherboard monitor - below 60C under load is usually OK

    Going from 1.67 to 1.73 is not really an aggresive OC & i can't imagine it causing you any long term problems - even with stock cooling.


    • #3
      The XP1800+ in my PC No.2 (link in sig) has been runnin' with a FSB of 150MHz (XP2100+) since it was built 9 months ago and it hasn't missed a beat yet. ;)


      • #4
        Wow! Thanks for the extremely fast reply... I went to take a whiz and got two replies when i came back. Im running about 59C but this computer has been running for about 11 hours continous today so hopefully ill be ok.
        Thanks again


        • #5
          If ya take the side off ya case does the temp drop? :?:


          • #6
            Lol... well i had my side off on my ol (i mean ol) 366mhz Celeron but thought it was a bit ghetto in retrospect :p but ya think it's advisable what with dust and dirt and all? I mean i'm a male bachelor... this place sometimes doesnt getting a good dusting for months lol.


            • #7
              It's only for as long as the experiment lasts. If ya get a good drop in temps with it off the some extra case airflow maybe needed to bring ya temps further down. If the temps don't change much then a HSF like a Volcano 7+ will get ya better results as the lower ya can get those temps the better off ya hardware will be. These are my temps on a XP2200+ atm: 23C room/26C system/40C CPU under full load (Thunder in sig). ;)


              • #8
                Ok ill try it out then for now till i can get my hands on one o' dem dere Volcano's. Thanks again for the super fast reply. (probably save some room if there was a chat room around here what with everyone being in the forum most of the time)


                • #9
                  We usually use the Beer Garden as a chat room most times. :D

