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XP and overclocking/conclusion ?

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  • XP and overclocking/conclusion ?

    Okay I have been checking around to purchase a new processor to replace my XP1700(palomino) to get better results for overclocking. I have not unlocked it yet, but doing some reading it appears that I would be better off buying an XP1800 - 2000 with the thoroughbred core and stay away from the 2100 or 2200 as they don't appear to overclock very well. The main reason I was looking at these to replace my palomino core was that they appear to unlock with less work only have to connect the last L3 bridge.

    Am I coming to a correct conclusion? Oh the unlock question I'm having a hell of time finding conductive paint or something of that nature locally( I hate paying shipping and handling that is equal to price of the item), but I did find some PCB repair paint/glue that is a lead based I believe that lead is conductive, but I not sure how well that would work. Has any one tried anything like that.

  • #2
    I havn't seen a Thoroughbred core here below XP2000+ yet (but that don't mean that they don't exist) plus it's only the Thoroughbred A cores that are lousey as the Thoroughbred B cores (mainly XP2400+ and above) are much better in the overclockin' stakes. :devil win


    • #3
      well i have seen the 1700 and 1800xp in tb b here is a link to see


      • #4
        I did look at the 2400+, but I don't wanna pay 200+ for them. I do like them though I may wait until this summer a get on as they go down in price. I do have one question about them I have a epox 8k52a2 board and it will support the 333 FSB, but to set that I have to put the processor at 133(of course) and then tell the bios to +33 it. Does that not then over clock my other components. Or am thinking the wrong way and the processor accieves 333 on its own in a similair manner that it goes from 133 to 266?

        Here is what is inside

        Epox 8k5a2
        512 kingston ddr2700
        radeon 9000 pro
        80 gig WD 7200
        linksys network card
        memorex CDRW


        • #5
          Sorry I was thinking about the 2600+ at 333.


          • #6
            well a cheaper way then byeing the 2600xp is to get the 2400xp and in the bios set the fsb to 166 and multiplyer to 13,5 will boot up as a 2600xp 333 fsb


            • #7
              I did see were you guys had a 2400+ at 166 FSB with air cooling and no problems. I agree and that will probably be the way I go to replace my 1700+


              • #8
                i messed up its 166x12.5 for 2600xp
                166x13.5 i get 2800xp


                • #9
                  you can set the XP2400+ to have a 166FSB? What do you have yours set to to get your 2490 (like in your sig)? is it 166x15? And what kind of heat does that throw?


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by STILLLIFE
                    well i have seen the 1700 and 1800xp in tb b here is a link to see
                    I gone one of those 1800s :)


                    • #11
                      Well for my sig i run 185x13.5 hight temp under load 38c
                      water cooling just run it at 166x12.5 thats a 2600xp 333fsb


                      • #12
                        If you guys need RAM, then the best RAM you can get is CORSAIR PC3200 DDR400. Made with Samsung chips, and hand picked, with a lifetime warrenty. You can overclock these puppies to the extreme. They are pricey$ though. Well, don't take my word for it. This memmory will let you overclock the **** out of your CPU.
                        Check it out


                        • #13
                          Well if ya going for hight overclocking go with CORSAIR XMS 3500


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by STILLLIFE
                            Well if ya going for hight overclocking go with CORSAIR XMS 3500
                            I know, but I am also looking at the price.


                            • #15
                              AMD Overclocking.

