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multiplier help with a 1600

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  • multiplier help with a 1600

    Ok right of the bat here is what I have in my system.

    AMD xp 1600
    Soltek SK-75drv5
    256mb 2100 samsung
    ati radeon 8500le
    maxtor 40 gig hd

    This just my base setup when I am OCing, so nothing in the pci slots.

    On this set up I can run the FSB at 145 stable, If I go up any more windows xp crashes at start. I then have to reinstall windows (I have done this about 10 in the last couple of months). I am almost positive that it is my ram holding me back, when I put it at 166 (next divider) it posts and then freezes during the memery tests or shortly after.

    Ok well finaly I will get to the question. I am haveing trouble with my multiplier settings. I recently just unlocked my CPU with the unlocking kit from The cpu is defualt at 10.5 with the bus at 133. I am able to lower the multi but I can not raise it. I have brought the FSB down to 100 and then tried again to raise my multi but still didn't work.

    So what I am getting at is, did I mess up the unlocking.
    any kind of help will be welcome.

  • #2
    Yes I'd say ya attempt at unlockin' hasn't work or all up to 12.5 would work. :(

    But yes your memory would be ya biggest hold back. Get some PC3200/3500 and ya should be right to go further. :devil win

