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OC'ed my 1600+ finally

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  • OC'ed my 1600+ finally

    Well, I got my SLK-800, and adapted my 120mm fan adapter to fit it - 108CFM over my SLK gives 48 C Loaded at 1750MHz, 1.8V, 333FSB!!! Had it run through Sis Sandra CPU burn in x 100, stable.


    Still a bit ghetto though. Held on with some PVC tape... but not going anywhere - will make up a bracket later.

    Hmmm, still haven't done anything about pics, but may get a camera soon...

  • #2
    OK, so 333MHz on the DDR Ram, 167 FSB x 10.5


    • #3
      I have an AthlonXP 1700+ thoroughbred. need an opinion...
      U think if I repeated what u have done xcept the ram part but with the same cooler and stuff (I have crappy 266mhz ddr rams which wont go one Mhz over 266 and keep stable.) would my system work reliably.

      just a note: I have a KT4V MSI with via kt400 chipset and a crappy axle Gforce4 mx440SE.


      • #4
        In Theory no: I would highly recommend upgrading your RAM.
        I don't know what your Bios is like though. I had to up the CPU Voltage, and I have PC2700 RAM, ie 333MHz. To get an overclock above 133MHz FSB (x11 in your case), you need your ram to run faster than 266MHz which currently is not possible.

        Can you up the RAM voltage? Have you tried it?

        HOWEVER if you unlock your CPU - if you have the time and patients for that - keep your FSB low and just up the multiplier.

        You may already know all this, but your question was vague.

        I am guessing you are talking about the 120mm fan as well. Hmm. If you can get hold of some sheet plastic to do the job and have a good set-square and a steady cutting hand, you could probably do it. The plastic I used is from advertising signs which I borrowed from work. Just one peice 120mmx120mm with a hole in it as big as your heat sink, and holes to screw it to the fan, then four side peices 120mm x arbitrary hieght that will let the HS sit a little inside the box. Glue together. I put a 45 degree angle on all joining edges so there are no rough seams.

        I have mine sucking the air through the HS, not blowing onto it as it seems to cause least resistance, but have not checked temps for both ways. Guess I will some day.

        May seem a lot of work, but 100CFM with a lot less noise than a delta or Tornado, or at least a more bearable noise. If you are playing UT2003 you don't even hear it, and it is only when you turn it off that you notice it was there. I used to have a Delta 60mm 7000RPM, which gave me headaches.

        I couldn't get stable about 1564MHz before I got my SLK-800 however, so a big peice of copper is fairly necessary.

        Enough info??


        • #5
          Oh, and I forgot you said you had a Thouroughbred, which put out a lot more heat than my Palamino... (That is the impression that I get) So even IF you replaced your RAM, etc, I just don't know. Not that I could guarantee anything anyway...

          Umm, if you are going to spend money, please consider a new graphics card first. If you are a gamer, CPU speed is not a problem for you with that MX440. Would recommend a GF4 Ti4200. There are some kickass OC'ing ones out now that compete with Ti4600 no problems


          • #6
            well i was going to replace them with PC2700 rams anyway.
            but for the bright side of things my mainboard allows me to change almost any value of voltage and frequency necessary and my processor ought to be unlocked since i can change the multipliers from bios.
            i can also manually set the sd-ram frequency on bios along with cas latency. from the freq/volt. i can change the memory voltage through a software that msi has called fuzzy logic 4.
            however the graphics have to wait. i'm saving to get a thermaltake case and one of those subzero 4g cooling stuff that they have.
            thanks for your info buddy.
            i have another question: my mainboard is designed to support the XP 2800+ processor. that one runs with 333FSB, effectively 166Mhz of bus speed. does that necessarily mean that the mainboard alone (without considering the cpu and the rams etc...)
            will function at a normal temp and reliability at 166Mhz even with the current settings i have. :bounce:


            • #7
              Yep, that is the idea. Your MB will pose no problem, it is of course the RAM and CPU which become unstable.

              KT400 - 400MHZ RAM, 200MHz FSB capable.

              Have you actually tried changing your multiplier and rebooting? If you make it to Windoze you should get something that checks your CPU speed like CPUID or MotherBoard Monitor (MBM)5.

              If you can do this then you should be able to overclock. I am pretty sure there are some pretty good guides here on TT. The main thing is patients. Up the multiplier, check for stability - if not then try uping the CPU voltage, if stable then try the multiplier... so on and so on. Try Sisoft Sandra 2003 for CPU burn-in/hard core testing, though I am sure that the others here know of better programs.

              XP 2800+. Aaaaahhhhhgghrrghrhghrgh....


              • #8
                do u suggest that i buy xms rams. they are expensive compared to others but they seem to have excellent performance
                and about the case and stuff i mentioned... i can not seem to find any price lists to check the actual prices.. all i know is from forums and what people seem to know.. but then nobody is sure
                do u know a urrl i can look into :bounce2: :bounce: :bounce2: :bounce:


                • #9
                  Yes they do cost more but then there's no other memory that can compare to it nor run the insanely aggressive timings that they're capable of at higher than their ratings indicate. :thumb:


                  • #10
                    I got a sucidial idea get a phase changing cooling system and over clock that sucker 1000 mhz!


                    • #11
                      what the hell is a phase changing cooling system???


                      • #12
               :devil win

