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Radeon 9600 Pro Game Issues

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  • Radeon 9600 Pro Game Issues

    Hi Everyone,

    I've just bought myself a new Radeon 9600 Pro video card, with a fresh install of Windows XP (SP1), DirectX 9.0b, and the latest drivers from the ATI site.

    When I play any games, it seems to be a choppy/1 sec freeze. I play VietCong, Rallisport Challenge, Delta Force Black Hawk Down, and so on. This happens occasionally, and randomly.

    Is there something that I'm doing wrong here? If someone could help me with this, it would be greatly appreciated.



  • #2
    Make sure your Vsync is off. You could try a tweak prog like Rage 3D. Some settings you can't find in the CP you can find there.


    • #3
      What was your old graphics card? Did you uninstall the old card berfore installing the new one. Its a common error that can cause problems.


      • #4
        It is not going to be Vsync, all that does is synchronize your frames with your refresh rate and smoothen out the image and prevent "tearing". At worst it will limit you to 60-85fps which is by no means low.

        Normally problems with a new card come from conflicts with previous drivers.


        • #5
          DOH! :o Your right I got that one backwards.


          • #6
            I had that same problem when I bought my Radeon 9700 Pro. The problem turned out to be my joystick. I was running it through a powered hub along with a few other things and it was drawing too much power. I hooked it directly into the computer and the stuttering problems went away. So, if you're running a keyboard/mouse/joystick through a hub try hooking it directly to the computer.


            • #7
              I installed the video card with a fresh copy of Windows XP (SP1). Could you also be related to the motherboard?


              • #8
                Which Catalyst drivers are you using? If you're running the latest try going back and trying some older versions. Try the drivers that came with the card also and see if it is any different.

