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"pixelation" problem when playing games. (ss's ins

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  • #16
    ill try the newer drivers and see how they work, but i tend to agree with the others that the card is probably too hot.

    As for bad RAM, wouldn't the problem have started from the moment i installed the card? the card was working fine for a while before the problems started.

    Also, is there anyway i can attach heat sinks ot the card or install another fan to cool off the card without drilling any holes? ;)


    • #17
      Ok have a look at these two links, and . ;)
      Also do you have a temp monitoring program there and if so does the case run cooler when open? :?:


      • #18
        I got sort of a similar problem but I can deal with mine and most likely no one would even notice. But being we're talking about the subject I might as well bring it up and see if there is anytyhing that can be done. Instead of a smooth flowing high quality sky. I sort of well I don't know how to describe it but basically its like this. You know the big black blotches? As they move away from your view they tend to just dissapate into the sky. Well instead of blurring into the orange like sky it'll be like a line around it and it'll sort of turn a greenish like color and at the ends of the lines it'll have a 256 color photograph type look. Where as my friends it kind of just blurrs into the orange sky. Is this a video card problem? Or some kind of tweak that cna be fixed. Or is this just what geforce 3's and up make it look like. Because someone has a geforce 2 pro and it looks smooth and his brother has a geforce 4 mx 420 and his looks smooth as well. Is geforce 3 and up have this look? Like is this what it would look like if I put in a geforce 4 ti 4600 or even an nv30?? The level that I'm talking about if you want to compare to me if your the same or not is Q3DM7.


        • #19
          thanks wig, that's exactly what i was looking for. know of any stores that sell them or am i going to have to order them?

          also, is there any easy way to get them off if they don't solve my problem? seems to me people were saying that the problems im having are caused by too far of an overclocking (ie the card is too hot), yet i wasnt overclocking at all, so adding some heat sinks should solve the problem. i can always return the card for a new one, but i'm afraid that adding heat sinks would void the warranty, and then i'd be stuck with a faulty card.

          finally, i have no clue if i have a temp monitoring program or not.


          • #20
            here's what gta3 looked like running with my case open:

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            still having problems :( keep in my mind that I'm not overclocking at all either. i think i am going to return the card, and then attach heat sinks to the new one and hope i dont have the same problem again.


            • #21
              Once you fit the heatsinks its permanant. Also you don't have to be overclocking to have a heat problem, if your case doesn't circulate enough fresh air thru the system will cause the same problem. ;)


              • #22
                ok, but i had my system open and i was still having the problem :( i guess ill trade in the card and then put heat sinks on the new one.


                • #23
                  When ya have the case open did ya try with a desk fan blowing into it? :?:


                  • #24
                    Realjones, have you tried with different videocard? I mean that would easily tell you if the problem is your videocard (or drivers) or maybe something else.

                    I had similar, yet totally different problems and I blamed my videocard at first. Then I put in a old 4mb pci svga card and it also gave the same problems. In the end it was faulthy athlon thunderbird processor. Still had guarantee on it so something good in all that bad stuff..



                    • #25
                      andy....yes i have. i have a spare geforce2 mx200 lying around and my computer (and graphics) work fine with this old card in. so i am sure it is the video card.


                      • #26
                        wiggo....tried the fan thing too still having problems. returned the card.

