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The Flood Has Started

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  • The Flood Has Started

    From the ExtremeTech web site

  • #2
    And this


    • #3
      15 G's is nothing ...i wanna the GF5 at work....hehe
      - Damien


      • #4
        The 9700 always looked to blow the GF4 out of the water.. and it's done it quite well. But it will be interesting to see what nVidia do with their NV30 card...


        • #5
          So am I. I think the timing is not very good on the 9700 release but lots of others think otherwise. Many will wait on nVidia to see the true comparison. I run my 4200 at well over 10,000 & if I upgrade and pay that much money, I want a bigger boost.


          • #6
            I expect the NV30 to blow away the Radeon9700...if it doesn't I will be very disappointed & nVidia will have a serious problem.

            Consider the margin that the 9700 beat's the GF4's by - the GF 4 is a 6 mo. old product.
            If the the NV30 sticks to the time table outlined by nVidia (which is somewhat optimistic in some people's opinion) - the 9700 will be 4mo. old minimum.

            technology generations aside - just from a marketing stand point nVidia will need something big, equal perfromance will be seen as a defeat.

            either way this has to be seen as somewhat of a victory by ATi - all of the past Radeon products have supposed to have been the "killer" for the Geforce of the day. I do agree that the older Radeon cards do have some merit - but there certainly was no "killer" among them. The Radeon 9700 marks the first time that ATi has actually beaten nVidia consistantly in framerates.

            I hope nVidia does take back the speed crown
            Then I hope ATi steals it back again
            & then back to nVidia again

            Competition is a good thing


            • #7
              Originally posted by drpeterbright
              So am I. I think the timing is not very good on the 9700 release but lots of others think otherwise. Many will wait on nVidia to see the true comparison. I run my 4200 at well over 10,000 & if I upgrade and pay that much money, I want a bigger boost.
              I think beating the GF4 by 20% is much did the GF3 beat the GF2Ulta by in 3DM2K...about 5%?


              • #8
                I agree it's significant. I also like the competition. I still want a bigger jump before I take the plunge.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by drpeterbright
                  I agree it's significant. I also like the competition. I still want a bigger jump before I take the plunge.
                  I usually tell myself that too - but considering in the last 2.5yrs. I've used a Radeon, Radeon8500, GF2MX, GF2Ultra, GF3Ti200 & now a GF4Ti4200 - it usually doesn't work out that way.


                  • #10
                    Her ae some stats:

                    -System Setup

                    Intel Pentium 4 2.53GHz

                    Intel D850EMV2

                    512MB PC800 RDRAM

                    ATI RADEON 8500 64MB
                    ATI RADEON 8500LE 64MB
                    ATI RADEON 9000 PRO
                    Driver version 7.74
                    NVIDIA GeForce4 Ti 4600
                    NVIDIA GeForce4 Ti 4400
                    NVIDIA GeForce4 Ti 4200 64MB
                    NVIDIA GeForce3
                    NVIDIA GeForce2 Ti
                    Driver version Detonator 30.82

                    30GB IBM Deskstar DTLA 307030 ATA/100 Hard Drive
                    AFREEY 12X DVD-ROM

                    Windows XP Professional

                    DirectX 8.1

                    Desktop Resolution: 1024x768x32


                    • #11


                      • #12


                        • #13
                          last but not least


                          • #14
                            It was pretty close to the ti4600 on the lower res. but when you pump up the res it blows by the ti4600. It ALMOST breaks th 300fps mark but im sure some of you guys with the better setups will be able to break that mark. I wsh that I was getting this card :rolleyes:. I give the 9700 a :thumb:


                            • #15
                              I love the 9700 too (If you love the Ti 4600 how could you not love it. It's quite a bit better).

