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GEFORCE 4MX 64MBDDR can't be detected??

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  • #16
    Thanks for that RDR. Yes I've wriggled the thing so much I reckon I've worn the contacts off the card :laugh:
    I've tried wriggling it, pulling it out slightly and trying, pushing the card in hard into the AGP slot and booting but still no good.
    It must be what the other guys said about incompatibility with my mobo or something??:confused:

    Would be great to hear from somebody who has had a guaranteed compatibility problem between graphics card and mobo of any brand.
    At least then we could strike out a few grey areas.

    Thanks for all the ideas guys :thumb:


    • #17
      you could always consider toasting it on purpose so it won't work at all & then get it replaced by RMA through the mfg'r - I've done that before with a hard drive - just don't hold me responsible if it doesn't work out for you :D


      • #18
        Try clearing the cmos. This will drop all of the settings back to a safe default. If the card is ever going to work in this box, these ultra safe settings should do it. If it starts, you can then at least tinker with the settings.


        • #19
          Hi guys!
          Nice idea RDR:, won't blame you no! :laugh:
          As I bought this brand new off Ebay from a seller in Singapore (sounds like a dodgy deal hey !) it will be difficult to send back and argue that it's duff!
          Nice idea though if it was a UK purchase (where I live)

          Thanks for that "bigjackusa" but I've already cleared the CMOS numerous times with the card in, wiggled a bit and then cleared CMOS and so on. To no avail unfortunately. :confused:

          Keep the ideas coming though, one of them has gotta work!

          Does anybody know of a BIOS update (other than on the ABIT website) that might address this problem?



          • #20
            This is a long shot, but it may work, briefly it's over-writing the graphics card's bios with a NVidia GF4 440MX bios, it works with my MSI GF4 MX440 card, but there's no guaranteed it'll work on yours, not that it's working anyway, heh... (Keeping in-mind that you need a PCI VGA card)

            All I need to know is the maker of the graphics card (or their 4-digit ID preferably), and their 4-digit number referance for the actual card, then I could make you a NVidia bios that'll flash without errors (ie... SubVendor and Sub Device ID errors) including the tools, and other files that are needed. :)

            Ohh, and just to confirm with someone who has done this before, you can flash the AGP card with the PCI VGA being the primary?


            • #21
              Cloud Strife, this sounds serious stuff!! lol
              Sounds like it's worth a go but I don't have a PCI VGA card, only AGP's :(

              The maker of the card is an unknown one, made by A-TEK and as for the 4 digit code I can only see this on the side the chip is on.
              The number is 0233
              There is a symbol/writting that is FCcCE (the little c is inside the first big C after the F.
              There is this
              GF MX
              Ver .01

              The only other number on the card is on the back which looks like a bar code identifyier. That is 6413144100412

              Over-writing the graphics card's bios , would that still cause it to run on one older machine and not on my newer one? :cry:


              • #22
                I think that the Sub Device ID is 0233, but I'm still not sure about the SubVender #, I can't find their number at all, not even their site; you must have a website noted down in your GF4 440MX's manual, I think it's best that you look through their site first before you think of flashing the bios with a NVidia one.

                If there's nothing on the site about the problem, post the website to me, and I'll make the bios for you.

                Good-Luck :thumb:


                • #23
                  ...just keep in mid that flashing the bios on a video card with any type of moded bios may give you a dead card - there's no guarentee it will work
                  But it sounds like you don't have much to loose at this point


                  • #24
                    Hi RDR, yes you could be right there, not much else to try now, been through everything except trying it on a few other different Motherboards. Will try it on an even more recent Abit board than mine and see how that goes.

                    If I (or anyone) would like to flash a graphics card is there any how to's or advice and software needed to do it?
                    I'm prety comfortable flashing a motherboard BIOS, no probs at all but never really looked into graphics card flashing :?:
                    I know you mentioned needing a PCI card (I can guess it's so you can view what you are doing when flashing the card through the AGP port)
                    It's certainly worth doing as just an experiment to try. I'm not too fussed if I nuke the card by screwing it up

                    Thanks again. :thumb:


                    • #25
                      You may like to look at this page 1st, , especially the part on "VGABios" to try the flash first on a working pc to see if the flash is compatible with the card before trying it in the other. ;)


                      • #26
                        Hi Wiggo!
                        WOW that is just what I was looking for. thanks

                        I've flashed the troublesome card in the Gateway PC that the card works in no problem. But it doesn't work yet in my PC :confused:

                        Can you tell me if it's worth me changing the Vendors ID etc in the NVIDEA BIOS EDITOR?
                        There are a lot of venders in there but mine isn't.
                        Is it worth trying any particular vendors that might work?

                        I tried this GF4 card in the other PC with the Abit KT7A (not raid) version 1.3 and it wouldn't work in there either.


                        • #27
                          As to that I have absolutely no idea as I've never done a video card myself, never had the need but there must be a reason for it. : peace2:


                          • #28
                            All I can think of; to get the VendorID#, is to use a NVidia bios editor to find the video card's present bios, I'll upload the program, and give you a link for it (at the moment I'm @ School :D Yay? So I'll post you the link when I leave)

                            All you have to do, is install the program, then open it, at the top left of the window, there should be a tab called 'Open file...' click on the arrow next to it, and then click on 'from memory' it should take a little while to get the bios from your card.

                            All you need to do, is tell me the SubVendor# and the SubDevice# which should be displayed on the window once the bios is loaded up.

                            Then I'll make the bios up for you, but I just want to warn you 'it may not work' the only comforting words I can give you are, that it worked on my GF4 440MX.

                            (I'll post it sometime today, I live in England, just so you know roughly what the time will be here)


                            • #29
                              Hi Cloud Strife, I've already got the Ray Adams NVIDEA bios editor and have already played around with it a bit but I don't understand what some of the features mean ie: some of the tick boxes in the BOOT Screen display box. Can only make some sense of the "Initialization" tab.

                              Right for this Vender stuff.
                              For my GF4MX440 64MBDDR I can only get a VENDER ID and a DEVICE ID, the SUB VENDER ID is -0000 the SUB VENDER ID - (none) and SUB DEVICE -0000

                              I don't know if you can do anything from that?

                              Here it is again for ya:
                              VENDER ID - 10DE
                              DEVICE ID - 0171

                              SUB VENDER ID -0000
                              SUB VENDER NAME -(none)
                              SUB DEVICE - 0000

                              I'm just about ready to :flames: the card and then throw it out the window!!!:thumb:
                              It's driven me mad over the last week but many many thanks for everyones help and ideas. If you can sort this Cloud Strife I'll owe ya:cheers:


                              • #30
                                I can't send you the bios, because I've been disconnected from the internet 'because there's a fireman's strike going on at the moment, and we're just being cautious with money, etc...' So I'm using the school's computers instead, so I'll tell you what to do instead.

                                goto and download both, the latest version of NVFlash, and if you go into the downloads section, and pick out the NVidia GeForce 4 440MX bios.

                                Now, open the bios in the editor, and replace the VendorID with '10DE' and the SubDeviceID '0171' then save it.

                                Get an empty disk, and format it with a MS-DOS start-up 'just goto format, and select the MS Dos start-up' then once it has finished, put the bios on the disk, along with an extracted version of NVFlash 'not a ZIP' 'and try not to put them in a folder, as it would be easier to explain how to do this process'.

                                Then reset your computer, and access the bios on your motherboard if you don't know that your start-up drives go in an order that lets the floppy-disk drive become a boot disk, and set the priorty of the boot-up drives as the floppy-disk drive above your hard-drive.

                                Put the floppy-disk into your computer, and reset again 'make sure that you save the bios changes if you've changed them' and wait till your computer boots up in MS DOS mode 'wait till you see a C:\ or any other letter with :\ infront of it' and type in:

                                A: [enter]

                                nvflash [whatever the name of your bios is]

                                Example: nvflash nvidia.rom

                                If the name of the bios is more than 8 characters long, you just put in the first six letters of the bios, and follow it up with '~1'


                                Example: nvflash nvidia~1.rom

                                And hopefully it'll ask you to type in 'YES' to confirm that you want to flash your bios 'type in YES in capitals :p ' then enter.

                                The screen might go blank for a while, just wait till your computer resets, and if it doesn't, just wait for about 2 - 3 minutes before doing so.

                                Good-luck! And I hope it works! :thumb:

