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Albatron Ti4200p turbo cannot overclock

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  • Albatron Ti4200p turbo cannot overclock

    the albatron ti4200p turbo is totally different from what stated at the website. the card cannot go a single mhz more then 280/600 mhz.

    that's why i never trust new companies.

  • #2
    Technically it's already an overclocked as it runs well above nVIDIA's specs for a GF4 Ti4200. ;)

    But is it gettin' enough fresh air thru the case? :?:


    • #3
      but technically they didnt use the specs like what nvidia says. they unnecessaryly used the 8 layer pcb design, copper cooler and memory heatsink for no reason . they should not use this things if the card cannot be overclocked ?

      theoritically the memory is cannot be overclocked even 0 % cause

      (1000/ 3.3 )* 2 = 606 mhz.

      then why they have used the memory heatsink for.

      using all this rubbish and has just make the card more expensive for no reason. they sent good card for review and sell low quality card at market. :thumbs do

      they have changed the components to save cost and to cheat people.


      • #4
        So other than the lack of ocing what do you think of the card?


        • #5
          i bought this card because of it's overclockbility, i never have heard about about albatron before buy the ti4200p turbo.

          performence depends on overclockbility. if not sure i bought other card with the card can go up to 300mhz easyly. just wasted my money buying a big/heavy/stupid design card and ended up overclocking up to 280mhz only.
          :thumbs do

          if like this they better reduce the pcb design to 6 layers, no need memory heatsink and no need copper cooler and directly it reduce the price of the card, then it's considerable. i bought the useless memory heatsink, copper cooler, and 8 layer card for no reason.

          next time if albatron come up with a special geforcefx and claiming their card is the best sure i will not buy it.


          • #6
            Are you absolutely positive that the card cannot be dramaticly overclocked? From what I have read, the card is designed primarly for overclockers on a budget. What hapends when you exced the numbers your at now, is it unstable? Maybe you got a faulty card or something because I know people who have alabatron cards and they are very good quality. How much you pay for the card and where did you get it? It is possible that the thing is refurbished.
            my view on the two party system...


            • #7
              the card will shows artifacts when i incease the clock. i am from malaysia. there are many cases as same as mine. i saw it at guru3d forum. they all bought the card now.

              albatron has change everything makes the card to has a very bad overclockbility, this is what will happend when we believe new companies. they will always try to cheat the customers.

              they one can overclock higher are the one bought the card in the earlier batch, new batches are in trouble, i contacted albatron and the admited they will not always use the same component.

              i bought the card for USD 200. really regret buying it. i might sell off this card, but before that i will sabotage and make sure no one buys the card


              • #8
                I hear you man,one unhappy customer is one too many.I've also
                thought about buying an Albatron Videocard,but after hearin some bad experiences with the cards,I would stay clear of AlbAtron products.To everyone basing their purchases on reviews,take the reviews with a grain of should go to forums like this,to get user's experience with products, the good and bad.


                • #9
                  I had one and returned it. It wouldn't OC AT ALL. I mean AT ALL!

                  Albatron unfortunately has gone the way of the bait and switch. For the prices they are charging, that's a gouge.



                  • #10
                    WOW! Im gladd that so many have voiced their opinions on albatron. To think I was considering actualy buying from them in the future.
                    my view on the two party system...


                    • #11

                      under what cause you explain to them to change your graphic card ?

                      i contacted albatron they said the card cannot be replace for the cause of overclocking


                      • #12
                        I dunno man, maybe it's just that batch or something, but annexing all of Albatron products is just stupid because they don't overclock <-- that's rediculous... I run an albatron board in my rig at home, and in my rig i use at work, both boards, overclock PAST 180mhz (not stable but still)... My PX845PEV Pro (i use at home in this rig) runs 175mhz stable... Compared to other mainboards, this board overclocks better than 99% of 'em.

                        While I havn't dealt with their vid cards, I never buy vid cards off companies that make motherboards, don't ask me why I just don't. I'm not saying that they're crap, but now that your saying this, I'm gonna have to order one in for tinkering just to see if what your saying isn't overly exadurated.

                        But as for Albatron, let's say their vid cards don't perform as well as THE REVIEWER said (if you take what a reviewer says at face value, you might as well start buying Dell's, Compaq's and the like, as they all claim to have the fastest and best PC on the market)... Anyway, I can speak from personal experience that Albatron mainboards overclock _VERY_ well, and FYI the company may be new, but these folks came over and started the company after they left Gigabyte... Anyway, 'nuff said.


                        • #13
                          you are supporting albatron just because their motherboard works well. i also will do the same thing if my vid has worked in the same way.

                          but it didnt. i not even know that the company called albatron exist before i bought the vid.

                          let me tell something about the card. the card is for overclocker who are not able to buy the 4600. but if they themself have stated this , but suddently it cannot do that then how ?

                          they have sent good card to review and sell bad cards at market. and after the reviews give them a award. albatron will publish it at their website. so anyone who visits their website will see all the awards and will be thinking that their card is good and buy the card. but finally it wont work well. so doesnt this is called cheating ?

                          what are are the use of a copper cooler , memory heatsink and a 8 layer pcb design if not for overclocking ? , that's why i say they are stupid.

                          they just increase the price of the card for no reason. and i have bought this rubbish for no reason. if they really dont want the card to be a good overclocking card, then they should not used a 8 layer pcb, copper cooler and memory heatsink. they just do it to cheat people so people will believe that this card is great. ended up with a F****ED up card.

                          if they are good fellow, they should publish the new capabilities of the card after they changed the components. but they didnt ? cause they dont want people not to buy after read it . this is also considered cheating.

                          new companies like albatron are more concern about moneys and finding a way to get their product sold. one of them which is so obvious is this card.

                          albatron themself admited that they will not always use the same componets. what else ?


                          • #14
                            NO company will always use the same components. I don't care who they are. If it's cheaper to buy something that performs equally the same, or thereabouts, you'll find 99 of 100 companies going that route; and the one company who doesn't, is just stupid.

                            As far as supporting them, the reason I support 'em because of the mainboards being exceptionally well for overclocking (and just plain 'ol stability)... well that's coz what my customers want, stable, fast boards. I won't sell stuff like Microstar mainboards because I've had 'bout 1 in 5 boards having to be rma'd... Each company has their problems, again, I don't buy vid cards from companies that make mainboards (as their primary product) because well, I just don't. Your the one who bought the card, it's good that your voicing your opinions about a peice of hardware that you don't think is worth your money... That's fine, more power to ya my friend. The point I'm trying to make is this: Just because GM have a recall on a certian model of car, doesn't mean that all their products are ****. Get over it, that one card (probably just one batch of one or two of the components) may not be operable over 100% what their rated at. Albatron has no control over how the manufacturers of components (eg., RAM! or the GPU itself) how their quality is, like I say, probably a bad batch or rather, a batch not up to overclocking standards.

                            Another way to look at it is this, the Athlon's don't overclock half as well as the P4's, but people still buy them don't they? (I'm not trying to start a holy war here please don't think I am, just offering up more alternatives)... But in the same token, the Athlon's don't need to be overclocked that much to beat an equally matched P4. Does this mean that AMD CPU's are garbage because you can't overclock 400Mhz+? Since your card won't overclock, try and take it back to whoever you got it from, and see if you can get a replacement (make up some lame excuse if you gotta... don't damn a company because of one faulty batch).


                            • #15
                              Im going to have to agree with sucide. I have had nothing but good experience with MSI, but he is a resailer so he has purchased more from them and come to the conclusion that 1 out of 5 rma is not good. Hes right about the components, all companies switch to what ever is cheaper on the market.

                              bmbk you say u dont trust new companies but...

                              My theory on the quality of a manufacture (no matter what they manufacture) is as long as they are not mass producing everything is high quality and exceptional performance, but as soon as they open up multiple factories they have less controll over the quality. So I am always looking at newer companies, because the most important marketing strategy as a startup company is to provide a better quality product and smaller fee than the competition. They might not stick with this startegy once they gain success and start growing thouogh.

                              I belive you should get a replacement card and if that one doesnt work as well as it should than most likely they are a horible manufacture.

                              I was disturbed by your claim of the card sucking, because they did aim the card towards end users with over clocking in mind, so if they cant keep to their word then they suck. But then I gain it is possible its just a bad batch.
                              my view on the two party system...

