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DirextX problems(Radeon 7200)

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  • DirextX problems(Radeon 7200)

    I know I have a crap card, but hear me out.

    I cant play any games that use DirectX...dunno why...Like Dugeon Siege, Rogue Spear, or Microsoft Flight Simulator.

    I dont have the latest Cats for my card cuz they suck and make my computer mess up; I have 2.3.

    Its a 32mb Radeon...I need help cuz altogether I have spent close to 175 dollars on these games.

  • #2
    What version of direct x are you useing?If your card isn't compatible with the direct x version the games need they wont run.Simple as that. Upgrade to a radeon 9000 for 60 quid.:devil:


    • #3
      Fast response.

      I cant upgrade, thats not an option, I have to stick with what I have...I have DirectX8.1

      I can hear sounds but the screen is black.


      • #4
        I can't find wot version of direct x that card supports do you know?:devil:


        • #5
          It doesnt say what version but it says it supports it on the manual...


          • #6
            Right i found out that your card is direct x 7.0 compatible so any game demanding more wont work. Why rogue squadron wont work is beyond me. Do you just get a black screen?:devil:


            • #7
              DIRECT X 7.0 THATS OLD AS .... DIRT

              I played Tribes 2 on this card with D3D w/about 30 fps no problems. I played it on XP w/DirectX8.1


              • #8
                I think i know what the problem is. ATI are known to have patchy driver support and some games(only a few) have major issues with ATI's cards.Try downloading all the latest patches for those games and maybe a newer driver(only maybe as there still crappy) :devil:


                • #9
                  i gtg reply tommorow


                  • #10
                    I think I have been getting my card all mixed up from the beggining..

                    I have a Radeon 32mb SDR...I dont know if its the same as a Radeon 7200 because mine is PCI and the Radeon 7200 is AGP only..

                    Ima reinstall the drivers for Radeon 32mb cuz my current drivers are for 7200


                    • #11
                      These are the drivers Im getting ready to install...


                      • #12
                        Ok...So I did something stupid...

                        I took the DirectX 9.0 redistro since hte .exe doesnt work fro me and I unzipped all the files into my system32 folder...NOT SMART.

                        But I went to my DXDiag and the DirectX test worked for 8 and 9 but not for 7...Then I tried to run the game and I still had the same problem...I wonder what i am to do now..

                        DirectDraw test results: All tests were successful.
                        Direct3D 7 test results: Failure at step 30 (EndScene): HRESULT = 0x887602fb (error code)
                        Direct3D 8 test results: All tests were successful.
                        Direct3D 9 test results: All tests were successful.


                        • #13
                          Right i'm rested and ready to work:D . Well by the sounds of it u may have the first radeon. I'll check wot version of direct x it supports but can you please run through wot you've done again for me.:cheers:


                          • #14
                            I suspect the problem is most likely with your DirectX/Video drivers/Windows configeration
                            If I were in your shoes I would seriously consider a fresh windows install

                            ....a Radeon7200 is basically the original Radeon core...I used to have one of those, I didn't have any problems running it with either DX7 or DX8.


                            • #15
                              I had Ati Radeon 7200 64Mb and it had no problems running any game I tried. 7200 is just renamed Radeon SDR. It should not have any differences. Madonions database identifies 7200 as Radeon sdr ..

                              I used it under 98SE and XP and always upgraded to the latest Ati catalyst drivers. They actually improved performance with each new version.

                              Its not that outdated yet - it can outperform any Gf2MX card with same amount of memory. It supports Dx7.1 so you do get few tricks more than MX cards.

                              So I think your DirectX installation is majorly screwed up. Fresh install of Windows should cure that. And then get the latest drivers from Ati website.

                              Also do consider that new videocard might not perform well with that Dx mixup of yours ...

                              Good luck.


