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Radeon 9700/Shuttle 648 Crashing

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  • Radeon 9700/Shuttle 648 Crashing

    I have seen many articles and postings regarding the Radeon 9700 constantly crashing to the Windows desktop from games. However, I have not been able to find anything that will fix this issue. The manufacturer that I bought my system from is useless in solving this issue, so I am gonna try to turn to you, the experts :)

    I am currently running the following configuration:

    Processor: Pentium 4 2.4 Ghz
    Motherboard: Shuttle 648 Chipset, AS45GT
    RAM: 512MB PC333 DDR
    Network: 3Com 3C905C TX
    HDD: Maxtor 200GB 133Mhz and Maxtor 80GB 133Mhz, 7200 RPM

    Drivers: Catalyst 3.1
    DirectX: DirectX 9.0

    Issue: Whenever I play pretty much ANY game, it crashes randomly from the game, straight to the Windows XP desktop. I mostly play Battlefield 1942: Road to Rome and Dark Age of Camelot: Shrouded Isles. The crashes are totally random, and occur in any 3D game. Any concise and accurate information would be greatly appreciated. I have a basically useless machine here until I can find a way to fix this issue. Thanks everyone!!!

  • #2
    It's likely a power issue so what PSU do ya have? :?:


    • #3
      Hmmmm, I have a 430 Watt power supply; think that is plenty.


      • #4
        Yes ya would think so but I only suggested that as it's the main prob that R9500/9700's have as they can sag the 3.3v & 5v rails of the PSU enough to cause just this prob while intense calculations are bein' processed. : peace2:


        • #5
          Oh, that's okay. I was not trying to be a marts arse :) Just figured 430 W was enough to run even THIS monster. I know there are posted issues of this issue. HEre is one that comes to mind:

          Many of those posts were made many moons ago. I am wondering if there has been a fix created, either by Shuttle or ATI.


          • #6
            The problem more likely rests with the manufacturer's implimentation of the chipset much the same as ECS had those power probs (and other issues) with SiS' 735 chipset where other's didn't.


            • #7
              the Radeon9700's and the SiS chipsets are not the best combination - there's been a few issues

              try reducing your AGP speed to 4X and/or disabling fast writes
              the forums here may also have some insight:

