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GeForce FX 5800 Ultra vs. Radeon 9800

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  • #16
    I'm running an XP 2600+ (AIUGB stepping) at 2277mhz (182 fsb) and yes, twin pc3200 modules in dual channel mode. They are Corsair XMS platinum chips, very very good ram. I run my timings more agressively than I've seen anyone else run, and it's rock solid stable. All this nfo is in my sig, actually. :) Cheers!

    PS:: your sig is HUGE, d00de. :eek:


    • #17

      When i run Sandra 2002 and Sandra 2003 Memory Module Benchmark test. Sandra shows my memory running at 133mhz which in effect 266mhz is equal to what my CPU runs at. When in actual fact my memory is running at 166mhz. But surely with this Asus mobo i should be able to run memory at seperate speeds to CPU an vice versa. My 3d Mark Score was actually performed in 133mhz mem bus settings. So maybe my processor is slowing this score down and in fact my mem.


      • #18
        With nForce2 boards, you always want to run your memory at a 1:1 ratio to the FSB. I have tried all the settings many times, and even though the FSB is lower in mhz sometimes, it's always the best performance setting. Woot!


        • #19
          W/ an nforce2 board you should be able to manipulate the multiplier to the point where you can run at a 166FSB (or higher:D) - rather than 133

          at 11x166=1833 I score about 300-400 pts. more in 3DMark, than when I'm running at 13.5x133=1800 no matter how I have the memory set up.


          • #20
            ....and you may need to unlock the CPU to do that. :)


            • #21
              Originally posted by Tomi_s
              ...and in Finland you have to pay 22% of taxes!!! :cry: :cry:
              ATI @ 6 1/2 % :thumb:
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              • #22
                Hey Dirty, I wanna date with one of those luscious biker chicks. Hook a brother up, will ya? ;)


                • #23
                  Yer how come when the TT(races) is on theres no girls like that(that i know of):confused: :confused:


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by rugbydude
                    Yer how come when the TT(races) is on theres no girls like that(that i know of):confused: :confused:
                    I have watched some of your races on the Sun Network {our racing channel}Your right I never see any bike babes.You do have some good races though
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                    • #25
                      Pretty much the most dangerous race in the world(that i know of anyway). Many of the top riders have come hear....crashed and never come back. while others come back year after year. Shame it doesn't count for championship points anymore:(

