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ATI Radeon 9000 problems with games

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  • ATI Radeon 9000 problems with games

    I have a:

    Pentium 4
    Asus P4S533, 512 MB DDR 333,
    ATI Radeon 9000 "evil commando edition 128mb ddr",
    400 W Power Supply,
    80 GB HDD 7200 WD

    When I play Counter Strike my game just ends and I am rebooted to the desktop, sometimes my machine shuts down, I have all the updated drivers, DX 9, and SP1,

    Also, Sometimes when I upload pictures from a memory stick reader my comp also just shuts down.

    What the hell is wrong with my PC??

    Any help would be appreciated,

    Thank You,


  • #2


    • #3
      Go into the control panel/admin tools/event viewer and see what errors are being logged at these times but I've used plenty of R9K's on both SE and XP oses with no problems at all. Ya might check ya IRQ's also for conflicts.


      • #4
        Originally posted by 2003G
        I have a:

        WINXP PRO
        Pentium 4
        Asus P4S533, 512 MB DDR 333,
        ATI Radeon 9000 "evil commando edition 128mb ddr",
        400 W Power Supply,
        80 GB HDD 7200 WD

        When I play Counter Strike my game just ends and I am rebooted to the desktop, sometimes my machine shuts down, I have all the updated drivers, DX 9, and SP1,

        Also, Sometimes when I upload pictures from a memory stick reader my comp also just shuts down.

        What the hell is wrong with my PC??

        Any help would be appreciated,

        Thank You,

        did you have any other video card installed in this box before? switch to a new video card can cause problems if the old driver/reg settings are not completely removed first


        • #5
          i havent had any other video cards installed before this one, in fact i just reformatted today


          • #6
            when i switch video cards it does the same thing, is there something wrong with my puter?

